Aluminum Cap & Steel Sub Base

Tread Aluminum Cap & Steel Sub Base – Part No. SNC-SB

Ladder treads by UPNOVR, Inc. are available in a variety of materials including aluminum, steel and fiberglass. We fabricate and ship our ladder treads anywhere in the world to meet your requirement dates. UPNOVR products can be ordered by and shipped to supply centers, ship yards, and the fleet directly.

Our SNC-SB (Type-II w/ sub base) treads are made in accordance to MIL-T24634 and are available with an aluminum cap and steel sub base. This tread replaces the Type “G” fiberglass tread and is also used in machinery or deckhouses where Steel Inclined Ladders are specified. Heavily worn or damaged treads can be replaced quickly without loss of accessibility to affected areas. Abrasive compound filler is integrated into the extruded top surface to provide safe and long-lasting non-slip coverage.

Length of SNC-SB ladder treads can vary by application. Customers must specify length when ordering.

Sub base material is available in 304 or 316 stainless steel.

Aluminum Cap Tread and Steel Sub-Base
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Height: N/A”

Width: 4″, 6″, 9″

Length: Customer Specify

Material: Aluminum over Stainless Base

Manufactured To: MIL-T-24634

Type/PC. No. Type-II

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